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Moreno Psychodrama Society

....building on the spirit and work of J. L. Moreno and Zerka T. Moreno.

The Moreno Psychodrama Society (MPS) is a body of people working together to bring the psychodramatic method into many areas of our world. MPS is the umbrella organisation for the Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne (PIM) and the Psychodrama Institute of Aotearoa (PIA), accredited training bodies that stand for, and promote the development of relationship and community through the unique expression of their members. MPS and the Training Institutes are mutually affiliated with the Australian and Aotearoa Board of Psychodrama (AABP) as a tripartite system. MPS is the registration body for certified Psychodramatists accredited by the AABP.


The Moreno Psychodrama Society hosts an electronic Theatre of Spontaneity, a two-hour event, open to the public, and explores matters of interest in our world, specific topics and the latest innovations in experiential methods. The material comes from the audience. Leaders may include psychodrama practitioners, trainees and overseas guests.   


The benefits of MPS membership are many. Firstly, our members make up a living and thriving community that has spontaneity and creativity at its heart. They receive two issues of the world's first Psychodrama E-Journal: 'The Mirror', which is published in June and December every year. There is an ongoing Blog, showing forthcoming events, photos, art, poetry and the writings of our members and friends. Members and guests are invited to write for the blog thereby contributing to the creation of new ideas and developments in psychodrama. 


Psychodramatists and Advanced Trainees are eligible to post links on our site. Membership includes reduced rates into all MPS events, such as The Theatre of Spontaneity and some PIM workshops.

The Committee in 2024: Yelena Ashlapova (Chairperson), Hans Wilgenburg, Lethe Gaskin, Ted Bugarski (Editor of the e-Journal), Gavin O’Loughlin, Vanessa Hutchinson and Sue Daniel (Founder of MPS). This committee, which forms and maintains the group sociometrically, serves the membership by managing the day-to-day affairs of the Society, organising events such as conferences and projects and keeps connected with other psychodrama communities and organisations throughout the world. 

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