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The Australian and Aotearoa (New Zealand) Board of Psychodrama


















The Board was founded by Sue Daniel and consists of five members:  Lethe Gaskin (Chairperson), Katrina Gaskin and Sue Daniel make up the Executive, while Jun Maeda and Meenakshi Kirtane are our overseas Board members. The position of chairperson is rotated every few years.


AABP is responsible for the assessment, accreditation and certification of psychodramatists. Certified Psychodramatists are expected to maintain their registration as accredited practitioners of the Moreno Psychodrama Society (MPS) and keep up with relevant professional development for the benefit of themselves, the psychodrama community and clients.  


There are three psychodrama training institutes accredited with the Board, the Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne (PIM)Psychodrama Institute of Aotearoa (PiA) and the institute, Psychodrama in India (PiI). These institutes are mutually affiliated with the Moreno Psychodrama Society (MPS). Since 2001, the Board have accredited 50 Psychodramatists (Psychodrama Directors), over 70 Psychodrama Associate-Directors and 100 people have attained the certificate of Psychodrama Auxiliary-Ego. There are over 130 papers, theses, journal articles and projects in the library at PIM, their work providing a rich resource for trainees, practitioners and trainers of PIM, PiA, PiI and MPS members. In addition many articles can be found in the MPS e-journal.


Enquiries: The Chairperson, AABP, P.O Box 371, East Melbourne, Victoria 8002

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1. Jun Maeda in Okinawa portrait.jpg

Sue Daniel

Lethe Gaskin

Katrina Gaskin

Jun Maeda

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Meenakshi Kirtane

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