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Sunday, 30 April:Theatre of Spontaneity

On Sunday, 30 April from 6.30-8.30 p.m, the Moreno Psychodrama Society hosts the second Theatre of Spontaneity at the Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne, Sue Daniel will present a session on:

The Beauty of Little Things

Presenter: Sue Daniel

We do a myriad of things every day, small things that go by us often without much thought. Appreciating some one for something they did or said or noticed, giving us positive mirroring may be a little thing in and of itself but huge in other respects. In this Theatre of Spontaneity we will give recognition to the small things, bring them to the psychodramatic stage and give them their due, be they moments or people from the past, in the present or perhaps even for the future.

Come along to Theatre of Spontaneity to meet and connect with new and old friends and peers, explore new roles, share your stories, journeys and experiences.

RSVP by Friday, 28 April 2017 to Gavin O'Loughlin on 0403 597 685

The Location is 1/10-12 Adolph St. Cremorne, Victoria

At the door: $15.00 MPS members

($20.00 non-members)

Gathering from 6 p.m with tea and coffee

Light supper provided.

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